Shy Feet is a short documentary film that chronicles the Southside Chicago style of dance called footwork. Footwork is a eccentric pattern of leg movements embraced by Urban youth in Chicago. This style of dance is unique to African-Americans and has African origins. Shy Feet is told from the perspective of DJ Pnut, a local DJ as well as a footwork artist who details how footwork started and other popular dance movements that originated from footwork itself. Footwork has premiered on MTV and is a spectacular cultural phenomenon. "The trend, known as footwork, refers to a style of music and dance that's been gathering pace in Chicago since the late 90s. The music stems from juke, a speedy but strict evolution of Chicago's four-on-the-floor ghetto house style. Footwork, though, is more experimental than juke. The chief difference is in its warped basslines, which buzz beneath frenetic synth toms and rapid-fire vocal samples. It sounds dark and messy, like the brooding urban soundtrack of Burial reimagined for a city with faster, meaner streets."