Sherry Whitstine of ["Syrin's Blog"] is a conservative blogger from Wasilla, Alaska who has criticized Sarah Palin on her blog. The Chicago Tribune quoted Whitstine as saying that John McCain's decision to chose Palin for his vice-presidential running mate was "probably the worst mistake of his entire life." Syrin (Sherry Whitstine) is a host of a web radio program. It's About Energy Producing America's Resources for Americans.... Sherry supports private business in general and she's an advocate for resource development specifically. If it can be done safely, if it can be done professionally and done with great regard to our land, Americans and American ingenuity can do it! On September 14, 2008, The New York Times reported that before Palin was selected, Whitstine received a call from her assistant demanding that she stop blogging. Fast Facts *Resides in Wasilla, Alaska *Spouse: Thomas Whitstine *Blogs under the name "Syrin" *Is a Republican *Is politically active *Is a conservative Sherry Whitstine Quote "What kind of woman knowing all of this, knowing this is happening, would put her children in the position where the whole nation, the whole world, is going to see the uglies? It's just putting their dirty laundry out there for all to see. It just hurts my heart." Citations ↑ (September 1, 2008) ↑ The New York Times: (September 14, 2008) ↑ The GOP's North Star (September 29, 2007) ↑ Syrin's Blog: (April 7, 2008) ↑ McClatchy Washington Bureau: (September 2, 2008) Sherry Whitstine News and Views Official Blog: Syrin's Blog on VOX (Sherry Whitstine) Official Podcast: (Sherry Whitstine) Friends of Cottonwood Lake: [] The New York Times: (September 14, 2008) Terra Sigillata: ["Stop Blogging. Stop Blogging Right Now!"] (September 14, 2008) (September 1, 2008) BobCesca: Stop Blogging... (September 13, 20080 (September 29, 2007) User Recommended Links - Momlogic Parody Songs- Audio -