Can-Do Conservatives of America

Can-Do Conservatives of America is the first and only conservative organization for the disabled. It is a significant step in the Repbulican Party because despite a disability, members of Can-Do Conservatives still want to maintain their own personal freedoms and rights to pursue whatever life they wish to live. The organization breaks new ground because the disabled having typically voted Democrat since Democrats are more likely to offer entitlements.
The Disabled's Current State
Disabled in this country currently receive federal funding. Military personal make up a large proportion of the disabled in society. The majority of disabled Americans vote Democrat.
Founded in 2009 by Brian Donegan, Can-Do Conservatives has taken an aggressive stance against the lack of attention given to the disabled by the Republican Party in addition to rallying against unjust policies from the Democratic Party. The organization chiefly supports Mike Hucakabee, but acknowledges that Sarah Palin has also made great strides to help the disabled.
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