Shazina Gallery

Shazina Gallery is a contemporary art gallery founded in 2000 and based in Moscow.
Shazina Gallery represents masters of contemporary art in all styles and genres from the end of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century. The most important aspects being the artistic value of the masterpiece and the originality and professionalism of the artist. The goal and responsibility of the gallery is to attract attention of the audience to the most talented painters, sculptor, artists, musicians, writers and designers through exhibitions, presentations and performances.
Shazina Gallery started as a small domestic salon. The creators of the gallery devoted much time and effort to search for the most interesting works of contemporary artists. The purpose of Shazina Gallery is to demonstrate the variety of fine arts and to enrich understanding of it. The owner of the gallery is Shazina Agrba.
Represented artists
* Etienne Boyer
* Varvara Bubnova
* Levars Butba
* Stas Chermensky
* Pedro Clavijo-Telepnev
* Adgur Dzidzria
* Hibla Gerzmava
* Constantine Inal-Ipa
* Nikolay Kabanov
* Valery Kharitonov
* Gennady Lakoba
* Victor Lysakov
* Sviatoslav Nikitenko
* Svetlana Petrukhova
* Alexey Shervashidze-Chachba
* Katya Shkolnik
* Ivan Titov
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