Shane Kastler

Shane Kastler is a Christian preacher, blogger, and writer who serves as the Senior Pastor of the Non-Denominational First Christian Church of Pleasanton, Kansas. An ordained Southern Baptist, he describes his theology as "Reformed Baptist" and is known for his expository preaching and teaching of the Bible. His primary method of biblical teaching is to teach through books of the Bible with a focus on understanding Scripture in it's immediate context and applying it to everyday life. Kastler says his goal is to proclaim the "whole counsel of God" and is noted for his frequent calls for sinners to repent and place their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord. His preaching is also marked by frequent references to both Heaven and Hell. In addition to his pulpit ministry he is the the author of two blog sites. The Narrow Road Blog ( is devoted to Biblical and devotional teaching; and the Kastler Commentary on Cultural Issues ( covers cultural and political issues from a Christian perspective. Kastler also writes a religion column for the Linn County News of Pleasanton, Kansas.
Kastler was born November 15, 1973 in Coffeyville, Kansas. Moving to Oklahoma at the age of 5, he was raised primarily in the small towns of Haskell and Welch, Oklahoma. Graduating from Welch High School in 1992, he then attended Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College in Miami, Oklahoma earning an Associate of Science degree in 1994. In 1998, he graduated from Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Oklahoma with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree. It was during college that he committed his life to Christ, and began to feel led into full time preaching. As a summer missionary to Gary, Indiana, in 1997, he preached his first sermon at Ross Baptist Church. In 1999, he married Erin Selph, whom he met at Northeastern State. They have 3 children. In 2000, Kastler moved to Kansas City, Missouri to attend Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary where he graduated in 2004 with a Master of Divinity degree, earning the Lifeway Bookstore Preaching Award, annually awarded to the top preaching student in the graduating class.
Pastoral Ministry
Since 2004, Kastler has served as the Senior Pastor of the First Christian Church of Pleasanton, Kansas. Though a longtime Southern Baptist, he said he was very comfortable with the church's belief statement and Non-Denominational status. Prior to serving in Pleasanton, Kastler served in Youth Ministry at Northland Baptist Church in Kansas City, Missouri, where he was ordained in 2000.
Writing Ministry
In 2005, Kastler began publishing a blog site called "The Narrow Road" based on the words of Jesus in Matthew 7:14 "narrow is the road that leads to life and few there be that find it." The blog addressed theological, evangelistic, philosophical, and political issues from a Christian perspective. Seeking to separate his ever increasing political writings, Kastler launched "The Kastler Commentary on Cultural Issues" in 2006. The Kastler Commentary is devoted to lengthier articles from a Christian conservative viewpoint. Kastler, who is a self-described Independent Conservative, is a strong and outspoken opponent of abortion, homosexual marriage, gun control, and other liberal policies. He supports capital punishment, homeschooling, and various other viewpoints, ususally described as conservative or libertarian. He has said that he is in agreement with Thomas Jefferson's mantra "the goverment that governs best is the government that governs least" and he has joked that his politcal views "make Rush Limbaugh look like a Kennedy."
Evangelistic Ministry
Kastler has stated that his heart's desire is to see people become committed followers of Jesus Christ. While his preaching and writing has sometimes been said to have a sharp edge, he has stated that his motivation is love for God and for people, and that his goal is to see people turn from sin, to faith in Christ. He claims to end every sermon, regardless of the topic, with a heartfelt plea for sinners to repent and turn to Jesus Christ as Lord.
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