Shahin Sean Solimon

Shahin Sean Solimon is an Iranian-born American actor, director,producer and Screenwriter, He is best known for his roles as Sinbad in Sinbad: The Fifth Voyage
Early life
Shahin Sean Solimon was blessed to have experienced two separate cultures, yet understand the beauty of both. He is of Persian-American heritage. Partly raised by an adopted American family until the age 12.
His American father (George) who was a very intelligent family man , and also a well respected professor at USFL in the field of film/television taught him a great deal, not just in the arts but also about Western culture, hard work, life, etc.
Eventually his biological mother (a well known Persian pop star "Fataneh") was able to finally migrate to the US and leave the Iran revolution of 1978 and reunite with her son. The family eventually moved to Hollywood, California where she pursued her own dream of a solo singing career, and Shahin his love for acting and directing Hollywood movies.
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