Revue des Juristes de Sciences Po

Founded in 2009, the Sciences Po Law Review is a student-run biannual law review affiliated with the Sciences Po Law Society (AJSP). The Review is published by LexisNexis and contains critical analysis of contemporary legal issues. The Review is operated entirely and independently by Sciences Po Law School students. The Review is written by professors, practitioners and students from Sciences Po or other universities. The Review members select contributors and organize the publication. Each issue is now placed under the supervision of a recognized personality of the legal world. In constant development, the Sciences Po Law Review intends to become a reference among the law student community and beyond. With increased visibility, the Review aims to contribute to legal scholarship by raising topical legal issues.
The Sciences Po Law Review is led by one or more editors-in-chief helped by the Editorial Board. All past members of the Review form part of its Alumni.
Editors in chief
The following persons have been editor-in-chief of the Sciences Po Law Review:
* Issue 1 - "Law and environment":
Romain Dethomas
* Issue 2 - "International arbitration disputes and its evolutions":
Romain Dethomas
* Issue 3 - "Law and innovation":
Alexandre Koenig
* Issue 4 - "Law and business ethics":
Alexandre Koenig
* Issue 5 - "The international investments":
Dorothée Brugère & Stefan Monaghan
* Issue 6 - "Competition law : influence and role of public entities":
Dorothée Brugère & Stefan Monaghan
* Issue 7 - "Financial market law in the 21st century":
Antoine Delacarte & Audrey Lhemann
* Issue 8 - "The globalisation of Energy":
Antoine Delacarte & Audrey Lhemann
* Issue 9 - "The obligation of transparency":
Matthew Morantz, Pierre-Axel Aberg & Baptiste Gachet
* Issue 10 - "Legal strategies at the digital age":
Gwennhaëlle Barral
* Issue 11 - "Law and violence" (under the scientific supervision of Grégoire Etrillard):
Karima Chaïb
* Issue 12 - "The European Union and its crises" (under the scientific supervision of Professor Loïc Azoulai):
Antoine Ciolfi & Alexandre Gauthier
* Issue 13:
Antoine Ciolfi & Alexandre Gauthier
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