Shahid Beshti medical university

The optometry program at Shahid Beheshti Univesity of Medical Sciences (Previously Melli University of Medical Sciences) was established in 1972. Initially the course was designed as a higher diploma in optometry (two years undergraduate studies) and was upgraded to a four-year BSc with Hounours programme in 1984.
The program each year enrolls about twenty students for day-time courses and occasionally twenty for evening courses. The teaching medium is Persian though most text books and literature are used in English. The school has an upto date library and well equipped clinical facilities on site.
During the last year of the BSc course, in line with the usual tutorials and lectures, students have to spend one or two days per week in hospital facilities all around the city of Tehran (mainly eye hospitals like Labbafi-Nejad, Farabi Eye Hospital, etc) and complete a thesis which is either a research project or an extensive literature review.
Optometry has been recognised as an independent profession in Iran since 1984 and graduates of the Iranian BSc Honours programme are entitled to practicing optometry with no supervision by other professionals in private as well as public/government setups. Correction of refractive errors and dispensing the required refractive corrections comprise the main part of the office time for Iranian optometrists although some of them are active in behavioral optometry and other fields. This makes the profession a rather competitive one. As a result, students applying for a BSc in Optometry course have to compete in the Entry Examinations held every year on the national level. The test ranks about a million competitiors each year to fill in the university seats nationwide. Those enrolled in Shahid Beheshti Optometry every year are normally ranked very close to medical students.
For more information see the website
Presently there are no websites representing Shahid Beheshti Optometry program on the internet, however research papers produced by the academic members are available.
See this link for an example:
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