Seth Thurston

Seth Thurston is a multi media artist living in New Mexico.

Seth A. Thurston was born in Pueblo, Colorado. His father was a part time artist, and he began to develop his skills at an early age. Beginning his career with designing a series of billboards for the Emergency Nurses Cancel Alcohol Related Emergencies (or ENCARE) at the age of 13, the artist has found his work featured in a multitude of different media.

To date he (and his alias, "WIKD") has produced a variety of art that can bee seen both in private collections, and in public galleries. Mr. Thurston produced the ouija board prop for the film , and was also featured in a 10 page interview about the production of his darkly authentic ouija boards in the Book "Everything Ghost".

Seth Thurston went on to work as head of paint production at the now defunct Anticipation! Co. clothing line. His designs were featured in both Seasons catalog and Nordstrom's. Mr. Thurston also produced a plethora of mosaic tile pieces that adorn some of the larger homes in the southwestern United States.

Seth was contracted to produce a series of lithographs at the
[ Tamarind Institute]of the University of New Mexico. Both lithographs being African Art themed, the first was titled "Baga". "Baga" features a ritualistic mask of the swampy coastal peoples of Guinea. The second lithograph was titled "Lega" and featured a central African Lega tribe statue.

Seth Thurston lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico and holds studio hours in his home. After lending his lyrics and voice to the track "Zip It Up" produced by Chicago based recording label "Branded Insane Records" in late 2006 Seth A. Thurston continues to produce art, and explore new and revolutionary mediums.
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