Serial killers ink

Serial Killers Ink is a website that showcases murderabilia This is a very controversial area of the collecting world, as evidenced by the public backlash to the idea of selling and/or profiting from violent crimes, but Serial Killers Ink has become one, if not the largest and most visited, murderabilia website on the Internet.
In an interview from 2008 with webzine 'Beyond the Dark Horizon' website creator Eric Gein states that the company's success is due to obtaining art, autographs and exclusive interviews from many infamous criminals such as, Richard Ramirez, Clifford Olson and Douglas Clark.
The website also seems to possess a morbid yet unique sense of humor, as they regularly post "Calls of the Month" which are phone call recordings between the staff at Serial Killers Ink and incarcerated Serial Killers.
Serial Killers Ink was conceived in 1996 when murderabilia enthusiast Eric Gein decided to open a website on Geocities. The early version of the website mainly showcased and sold artwork by Richard Ramirez. In 2008 Serial Killers Ink was reborn on myspace, however due to overwhelming popularity and success a domain name was purchased and the second coming of Serial Killers Ink officially went online December 1st, 2008. A recent news article from The Guardian was quoted as saying, "True-crime websites, such as Serial killers Ink, devote entire sections to sketches by murderers" in an article titled 'Face it, Hitler's art isn't that bad'.
Website features
The main focus of the website is the store where murderabilia is listed for sale. However, the site is not just a store. The site includes exclusive interviews with many infamous criminals as well as phone calls and exclusive audio interviews. A gallery where murderabilia collectors can upload scans of their collections. Heath High School shooter Michael Carneal has an official artwork and poetry section on the website. Over 200 mailing addresses of infamous criminals and an active message board.
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