Senshin fredrikssson

Senshin (talk) 06:54, 19 February 2008 (UTC)Senshin fredriksson (1958-)
Head of San Bo Dojo in Göteborg, Sweden

Senshin a ordained monk and zen-pioneer in Sweden, is formerly a diciple of Master Etienne Mokusho Zeisler; The foremost diciple to Master Taisen Deshimaru. Senshin, however recieved Tokudo by Master Yuno Rech, a short while after Mokusho Zeislers sudden and unexpected death in 1990.

After many years with intensive practice at San Bo Dojo as well as La Gendronniere and other temples, mainly under the direction of Master Doko Triet, he grow unsatified with the direction of his former Sangha and went to the zen temple Antaiji, japan in search of a more intensive and serious practice of Dogen-zen.

senshins way, rooted in an intensive practice of zazen and hard work have led him to question the framework of zenpractice in the west( but not the practice of zazen as he considers this to be the root, the foundation of a higher way of life). This zazen is transmitted in the soto-zen school but there are other elements too that is transmitted and this is what have driven Senshin into a fresh and lifegiving doubt about zen, transmission in Europe :
The sound of the valley stream
is his great tongue,
The colors of the mountains
are his pure body.
In the night,
I have heard 84,000 hymns,
But how to tell it to people
the next day?

To follow the traces of this doubt, and for a serious study:
And this very well researched article:

We have this text by the painter and poet William Blake about Europe:

But how to tell it to people of Europe
the next day?
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