Secrets and lies first generation

Secrets & Lies:First Generation (Book)
Secrets & Lies: First generation is the first book of the book series Secrets & Lies released February 26, 2012, written by Gabrielle C. Saenz. It is the first of many more books to come in the future and is branching out slowly but surely in different markets. Its first release was in late February on the online market and will shortly be an audiobook.

First Generation is about Rae a typical teenage girl trying to make her way in the world with as little noise as possible. However that is hard to do when both her parents are a part of an organization that has some deep and dark secrets that should remain that way. But when Rae's neighborhood love suddenly goes missing and her family moves out of the country, she starts questioning everything she once knew. To get to the bottom of her loves mysterious disappearance she must join her parents organization and fight the system from the inside out. she makes some new friends and enemies along the way. But is everyone who they say they truly are? Can Rae trust anyone? Rae can't go at this alone so she takes faith and learns some lifelong lessons along the way.
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