Scott Santens

Scott Santens is a U.S. journalist and a full-time advocate of the Universal Basic Income. He is a founding member of the Economic Security Project, an adviser to the Universal Income Project, a founding committee member of Basic Income Action, committee member of the US Basic Income Guarantee Network, and founder of the BIG Patreon Creator. He has a crowdfunded monthly basic income and has been a moderator of the Basic Income community on Reddit since 2013. As a writer and blogger, his pieces advocating basic income have appeared in The Huffington Post, The Boston Globe, TechCrunch, Vox, the World Economic Forum, and Politico. As a public speaker, he has presented at the first World Summit on Technological Unemployment and has participated as a panelist at conferences about the future of work across the U.S. Scott Santens phrase, "Basic Income is not 'left' or 'right,' it's forward," was taken up as a campaign slogan by former presidential candidate, Andrew Yang.
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