ROI Capital

Headquartered in Toronto, the ROI group of companies (ROI) has grown since its inception in 2002 from a single tax credit fund to a range of products for investors. ROI investment solutions include a tax credit fund, mutual funds and private placement funds. Today, the firm manages more than $1.5 billion in assets across 10 funds.
The investment strategy of the portfolio manager of the funds, ROI Advisors, is private placement investing with a primary focus on commercial mortgages. ROI Advisors employs a thorough process for sourcing, evaluating and selecting all prospective investments.
ROI Private Placement Pooled Funds are alternative investments that invest outside of the public stock and bond markets. The private placement investments of the Funds are primarily private investments that generate structured repayments back to the Funds. These include securities of:
* Loans secured by a 1st mortgage - 1st lien position on commercial properties
* Loans secured by a 2nd mortgage - 2nd lien position on commercial properties
* Private Real Estate - form of ownership that may include limited partnerships and profit participation
By their nature, these investments are less liquid than public stocks and are designed for investors with medium- to long-term time horizons and commensurate risk tolerance. ROI Private Placement Pooled Funds are valued on a fair value basis, incorporating external market factors and prices, in addition to the strength of the underlying company. Each investment must pass ROI Advisors' investment criteria in order to minimize the risk of a potential default or loss as the performance of the underlying companies will affect the performance of the Fund.
As of April 30, 2012, the company had approximately $1.5 billion in assets under management.
ROI was launched in 2002 by John Sterling and Fernando Cipriano, their goal was to bring a new tax credit fund to the Canadian market. ROI's first product was a Labour Sponsored subordinated debt fund called the ROI Fund. The firm has expanded its offerings to include a total of 10 fund offerings to date.
ROI's product line has grown from a single tax credit fund to a lineup that includes retirement funds, mutual funds and pure private placement funds geared to retail and institutional investors.
* Wentworth Hauser Violich Investment Management (WHV)
Since 1937, WHV Investment Management (WHV) has provided investment management services to individuals, institutions, brokers and financial advisors with a consistent record of strong risk-adjusted performance. WHV focuses primarily on investing in attractive global economic sectors. Particular attention is devoted to capitalizing supply and demand imbalances that are likely to persist over time.
* Johnston Asset Management (JAM)
Established in 1985, JAM provides global investment advisory services to institutions and affluent individuals with an emphasis on providing superior long-term performance. JAM currently has $2.2 billion in assets under management.
* Fiera Sceptre
Established in 2010 as a result of a merger between two Canadian investment firms, Fiera Capital Inc. and Sceptre Investment Counsel, Fiera Sceptre Inc. has been renamed Fiera Capital Corporation and is an independent, publicly traded, full-service investment management firm that focuses on superior and consistent investment performance. The company currently holds approximately $82 billion in assets under management.
Key People
* John Sterling, executive chairman
He structured and managed more than 100 investments over the past 7 years.
He served as a director with 10 companies over 14 years.
He registered with the OSC as an investment counselor portfolio manager.
He worked in senior capacities at major Canadian private equity institutions, including director of Bank of Montreal Capital Corporation for the $200 million Small Business Capital Fund, as well as manager of emerging markets at the Business Development Bank of Canada.
He holds a BA in economics from the University of Alberta and an MBA from the Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario
* Fernando Cipriano, founding partner
He has expertise in establishing institutional business relationships, including marketing, brand awareness, strategic alliances, and the development and structuring of institutional product offerings.
He held senior positions in retail and institutional relationship management in leading investment firms.
He has over 20 years of industry experience in sales and strategic business development.

* Wilfred Vos, founding partner
He was instrumental in creating products and services that raised over $5.5 billion in assets under administration.
He holds designations: Bcs, FMA, CIM, CFP, FCSI, DMS, CBV, MBA, CFA
* Public Equity
# Global Super-cycle Fund
# ROI Canadian Top 20 Picks Fund
# ROI Canadian Top 30 Small Caps Fund
* Combined Mandates
# Labour Sponsored Investment Fund
# Canadian Retirement Fund
# Global Retirement Fund
* Private Placement Mandates
# ROI Private Placement Fund
# ROI Institutional Private Placement Fund
# ROI Strategic Private Placement Fund
# ROI High Income Private Placement Fund
Press releases
* Craig Machel Associate Portfolio Manager, Macquarie Private Wealth
Focus:Alternative Investing
Top Picks: ROI High Income Private Placement Fund
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