Scott Etches

Scott Etches is currently serving on City Council in [http://en. .org/wiki/Mission%2C_BC]. Elected in 2005 along with , Scott Etches serves with Terry Gidda, Paul Horn, John Pearson, , and Heather Stewart. Under their leadership the Council of the day has undertaken a crime reduction through social development initiative. The first year in office saw a 6% drop in the Mission crime rate while the second year has produced dramatic results with a 62% drop in auto theft with a 39.5% drop in commercial break-ins.

Scott Etches attended the University of Washington and NYU. Early in his career Councillor Etches was instrumental, as a partner, in securing the financing for Chung King House of Metal, a music studio that recorded such bands as , and , among others. In 1989, Mr. Etches moved to [http://en. .org/wiki/Jasper%2C_Alberta] where he worked with the local television station and produced documentaries on grizzly bears based on the material he shot in the bush of what he describes as "those magnificent creatures".

In 1993 Councillor Etches and his now ex-wife, Marlene Hanna moved to the Lower mainland and opened a restaurant on Davie Street, .org/wiki/Vancouver called Pita Garden. After a spike in property values the family sold the business and moved to Mission B.C.. Mr. Etches then entered the information technology sector and developed a dot com business, AlarmCam. Upon its sale, in 1999, Councillor Etches retired and devoted his time to charitable non-profit organizations.

Currently Councillor Etches is the Chair of the Community Forestry Portfolio and has the following appointments:

2010 Olympics Mission Committee
Committee to Approve Public Events
Downtown Mission Revitalization Task Force Awards Committee
Local Court of Revision
Mission Old Age Pensioners' Organization
Professional Learning communities Advisory Committee
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