
In 1999, a group of Bay Area sport bike enthusiasts formed a club known as Sport Bike Freaks (SBF). They specialized in doing extreme sport bike riding on the street known as Stunting. Initially conceived as an avenue to bring Stunting to the main stream by developing the best in website designs along with streaming videos placed SBFreaks into the internet world as the place to hang out and meet fellow riders, original members like Darius Khashabi were dedicated to making this dream a reality.
In 2004, Sport Bike Freaks became a "recognized" Motorcycle club (MC) and also changed its name from Sport Bike Freaks (SBF) to Street Bike Freaks Motorcycle Club (SBFMC). June 2012 SBFreaks MC became a registered trademark
The SBF Insignia It's a combination of the first letters of the club's name. The official colors of the SBF are grey, black and white.
There has been several iterations of vests throughout the years. Most recently, members wear a rectangular patch (black background with white letters and a white merrowed border) identifying their respective chapter locations. Additionally, most members wear a patch that displays the club's name "SBFMC".
When applicable, members of the club wear a patch denoting their position or rank within the organization. The patch is rectangular and displays a black background with white letters and a white merrowed border. Some examples of the titles used are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Road Capt and Sergeant at Arms. This patch is displayed above their respective chapter's location.
Additionally, You will find most members with several items of clothing containing the colors grey and black or white to demonstrate their pride.
One of the largest organized motorcycle rides in the bay area is put together by SBF. This ride is known as Sac To The Bay.
Sac to the Bay
Sac To The Bay is an annual ride from Sacramento to an alternating destination in the Bay Area. This event was created in 2001 to show support of our "TROOPS" because of all the protests happening in the Bay area at the time. In 2004 this event has changed to an annual "RIDE" which involves 4 stops from sacramento to the bay area. Traditionally, after Sac to the Bay, SBF hosts a party where everyone gets together and socializes.
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