Samson Kassumba

Samson Kassumba is a Ugandan Pastor, News anchor and Show host.He works with NBS Television especially live at 9.
Early Life and Education
He studied and completed his primary education from Kireka SD primary school, Kyambogo College School for his Uganda Certificate of Education and Kololo high school for his Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education,which he failed. He later enrolled for a diploma in industrial Art and Design at Nkumba University and Bachelor degree in theology at Bugema University which he later went for Masters at University of Wales . He was pastor after completing his course but later stopped after he was defrocked due to his views that were divergent from those of his Seventh Day Adventist faith.
Work journey
He worked as a lecturer at Nkumba University and also volunteered at Interreligious Council of Uganda. He was working with Urban TV Uganda be he joined NBS Televion in 2016. He was also part of Topowa Campaign by CCEDU, a human Rights advocate team sensitizing people during the 2016 general elections. He was of recent arrested for allegedly undermining government put meaures to cub the spread of COVID-19.
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