
A Philippine Superhero created by Gerard Ramos Fernandez, fondly known by artists as rhardo. Created on January 25, 2008, Salakay was first introduced to a famous online artist community called DEVIANTART. Immediately, it spawned a new wave of popularity in barely half a year. The development of this character is still unknown, but will most likely be revealed in the near future.

General Information

Civilian name: Skhy Ras Ynandez
Real name: Salakay
Citizenship: Filipino
Height: 5’8’’
Weight: 168 lbs
Eyes: Red
Hair: Brunette

Background and History
On the last days of child-bearing, a woman was struck by an unexplainable sickness after a spiked creature plunged a quick bite to her left limb. Her name was Inama. Abandoned by her lover, she willingly embraced the reality of a single-motherhood. She had grown weaker each day that passed until she gave birth during that one tragic night. The male child came out, not showing a single sign of life. The only person with her that dreadful time was her
father, Pinetu. Consequently, with a grim illness, her daughter instantly died. On her last breath, Inama uttered the word, "Alikadoka," a feared black forest of their place. With a heavy heart, Pinetu immediately brought the baby on the outer border of the forest and placed him on top of a big rock. He left and never came back.

Not so far away, an old hermit, Kahali, who by chance, passed by that same night, heard a cry. He followed the sound, and to his astonishment, it was a baby... it was the child of Inama... ALIVE!

He raised the baby and named him, Salakay. When he reached adolescence, he mysteriously developed a retractable spike on each of his elbow. It was then discovered by Kahali that his blood contained a chemical found only from a wild creature called Sipaka. Most of its main characteristics were inherited by Salakay, hence the spikes, fangs, and red eyes.

Inevitably, he reached his potentials when he finally met face to face with the very creature that killed her mother. There were a dozen of them who instinctively attacked him. With the help of Kahali, they defeated and drove the Sipakas away. One bite from a Sipaka delivers a killing venom to a person's body, and Salakay is immune to this, but not Kahali. He was badly wounded and dying. Salakay held him on his arms. Kahali gave and pronounced the mystical dagger, Kahl, to him and said, "You are born to save lives, Salakay... go and be free!" And he instantly disappeared through a form of light.

For the first time, he went out from the Alikadoka forest. The journey of SALAKAY now begins...

Powers and Abilities
Limited invulnerability, unbreakable spikes which can be retracted of his elbows, night vision, Human-peak strength

The Kahl dagger - only Salakay can yeild this mystical weapon. It will automatically transform to phase state when somebody tries to touch it. It possesses powers which only him can summon: the power of blue energy force field, red blast attack, yellow teleportation, and white geographic vision. This dagger can cover-up the identity of Salakay: Hair shortened and turned black, eyes are turned to normal colors, and fangs are absent.
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