Ruth Hull

Ruth Hull is an attorney, journalist and activist.
Patrick Henry Democratic Club
In 2004, she founded the Patrick Henry Democratic Club of America, putting activists together with top liberal leaders, such as Congressman and former Democratic Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Congresswoman Barbara Lee, and Congresswoman, former Green Presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney and activist David Swanson. A key element of the club was the inclusion of youth officers and activists. The club's founding youth chairman was Natasha Hull-Richter, then the 12-year-old daughter of Ruth Hull.
The Patrick Henry Democratic Club (PHDC) organized rallies, teaching events and food drives for the homeless.
The PHDC sponsored some of the most progressive resolutions adopted by the California Democratic Party, including resolutions to end the Cuban embargo, repeal NAFTA and withdraw from the WTO, impeach Bush and Cheney, end the death penalty (titled a moratorium resolution but worded as an abolition), free the Jena Six, include Claudette Colvin in school books, and lower the voting age.
Among the successes of the Patrick Henry Democratic Club was it's work in the creation of the Progressive Caucus of the California Democratic Party, which was created with the assistance of Barbara Lee.
Progressive Caucus of the California Democratic Party
Ruth Hull was the master of ceremonies at the first meeting of the Progressive Caucus of the California Democratic Party on April 15, 2005. She was instrumental is putting together he by-laws that were unanimously approved. The caucus was actually the inspiration of Natasha Hull-Richter and Natasha brother Alexandar. At the opening meeting, the caucus unanimously approved bylaws allowing children to be officers and Natasha Hull-Richter at age 13 was voted onto the board. A few months later when adult officers threw the youth and immigrants out of the caucus, several of the adult founders, including Ruth Hull, walked out with them. However, the following day, the Executive Board of the California Democratic Party voted unanimously to adopt Natasha Hull-Richter's resolution calling for the inclusion of youth in all Democratic Party caucuses, committees and events.
Ruth Hull was very prolific in writing over 100 articles for She left OEN during a fight regarding censorship involving national stories she was covering, including the Chris Dorner story. Ruth's articles were picked up by other publications. After that, she wrote for People's voice, Digital Journal, Activist Post and other publications.
She continues writing and fighting for human rights through the present time. In 2015, at a Sister Giant event held by Marianne Williamson, Ruth encouraged Bernie Sanders to run for President
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