Russell J. Wintner

Russell J. Wintner (born May 28, 1952 in Cleveland, Ohio) is an American Hollywood executive who co-founded CineComm Digital Cinema, which focused on digital cinema delivery of motion pictures to movie theatres around the world via satellite.
CineComm became the first company to deliver a full-length, motion picture feature in digital format to a paying audience with the release of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.
Since then, Wintner has served as a Principal of Technicolor Digital Cinema (a subsidiary of Technicolor) and then President of Access Digital Media—the digital media division of Cinedigm (formerly AccessIT), where he was involved in developing the fully automated digital media delivery system which the company branded e-Courier Express. In October/November 2004, AccessIT launched a successful IPO and Wintner was named President and COO of the newly formed Digital Media subsidiary.
Wintner subsequently left fulltime employment to return to his digital media consultancy, Wintertek. He currently serves as Chief Operating Officer of ParadiseFX—a stereoscopic 3-D entertainment company.
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