Roxas City Inter-Organization

Roxas City Inter-Organization, RCIO, is the first interfraternity organization in the seafood capital of the Philippines established last April 2009. It is composed of five social and humanitarian service organizations namely Alpha Theta Sigma, Alpha Kappa Rho, Scouts Royale Brotherhood, Ang Barkadang Clan and Andromeda, Inc.. These five organizations have come to realize the initiative to be together, be united and co-exist peacefully with the desire to establish a progressive and harmonious community. Their existence is also a campaign against gang wars and fraternity wars in Roxas City. Some fraternities in the city gained interest in joining the said inter-org as they've witnessed the positive outcome of RCIO. 

Group Picture

Roxas City Inter-Organization

Summer Samahan '09

 Last May 9-10, 2009, RCIO launched the "Summer Samahan: Roxas City Inter-Organization Fellowship Summer Fest" with the theme: " Unity in Diversity". The goal of this activity was to forge brotherhood & sisterhood, camaraderie and solidarity among the each organization and its members. Team building exercises, forum, strategic planning and socialization activities were included. This kind of activity was of great significance because it helped expand the network and maximize the resources materializing the outreach and community programs. Summer Samahan was sponsored by Gov. Victor Tanco, Panulce, Greenwich, Flat Rock Beach Resort, Drug Test Center and etc.. Summer Samahan is now an annual event for RCIO and open for membership for other organization.

Alpha Theta Sigma
Alpha Theta Sigma
Scouts Royale Brotherhood
Scouts Royale Brotherhood
Ang Barkadang Clan
Ang Barkadang Clan
Alpha Kappa Rho
No available Pic for Andromeda, Inc.

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