Rowena Holland

Dr. Rowena Holland, (born 15 November 1968, The Wirral, United Kingdom) is a British Conservative Party politician and prospective parliamentary candidate for Nottingham South. She is currently on maternity leave from working as head of marketing for pharmaceuticals firm ALK-Abelló Ltd.
Personal life and professional career
Born on the Wirral, Dr Holland was educated at Park High Comprehensive School. She graduated from university with a BSc and ultimately a PhD in Biochemistry. After leaving the Wirral 15 years ago, Dr Holland begin a career in the commercial world of Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare. During this time, she worked for 3M Healthcare in Loughborough, and Merck Sharp & Dohme.
Rowena went back to night school to achieve an MBA from the University of Warwick and she currently specialises in allergies with a Biotechnology company called ALK-Abelló Ltd. Having worked extensively in Denmark, she has gained experience in both International and UK relations.
When not championing politics, she enjoys gardening, wildlife, reading, skiing and scuba diving. She is a big football fan and supports Liverpool.
Rowena is married to Sudesh Mattu who was Conservative candidate for Nottingham South in 2005. In May 2009, Dr Holland had her first child, Arun.
Political career
Dr Holland has been a member of the Conservative Party since 1997 and since then has been an active member in North West Leicestershire. She campaigned and won her first District Council seat for Measham in May 2007. She is currently a District Councillor and since her election has become a member of the Cabinet where she serves as portfolio holder for Performance and Communications.
Rowena campaigned on behalf of her husband in Nottingham South in 2005 and whilst he came second, she gained valuable campaigning experience.
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