
RoundMenu was established in Dubai (UAE) in June 2012. Primarily a restaurant booking service, RoundMenu offers an online platform that offers guidance, convenience and dining promotions.
The service is provided on both a web-based platform, as well as through mobile applications (iOS, Android and Blackberry). 
Primary features include restaurant information, social photos - shared with FourSquare & Instagram, reviews - shared with TripAdvisor and a booking request function.  
As of July 2013, the service had seen over 30,000 app downloads, and sent over 70,000 diners to restaurants in the UAE.
Zaid Jawad, Founder & Managing Partner of RoundMenu, was one of the founding members of Zawya. After exiting Zawya as part of an acquisition deal from Thompson Reuters, Jawad built a prototype of RoundMenu in his spare time. In late 2011, Ali Sinaei, then head of Advertising Sales at, joined forces with Jawad to turn the project into a fully-fledged business, and in June 2012 the site was re-launched in its current format. 
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