Rosette Chantal Rugamba

Rosette Chantal Rugamba is a Rwandan tourist and businesswoman, the founder and Managing Director of Songa Africa, a company specialising in luxury tours in East Africa and the owner of Amakoro Songa Kinigi Lodge based in Rwanda.
Rosette holds a BA (social sciences) political science and sociology from Makerere University, studied strategic marketing in UK and she is an Aspen’s Global leadership fellow -Ali East Africa class of 2010. She is the author of Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)'s Sustainable Tourism Strategic Framework -a basis for the development of a regional tourism strategy and policy.
Rosette Chantal Rugamba is very passionate about tourism and she has a great wealth of public sector insight and experience in mobilizing public-private partnership to grow tourism effectively and responsibly. Rosette has been actively involved in the Travel and Tourism industry for the past 24 years beginning with EuroStar in the UK, and then as Head of sales and Marketing Manager at British Airways in Uganda and Central Africa. Rosette sits on various boards in Africa, serves as a Board Member at African Parks Network-South Africa. She is the president of the Women in Tourism Chamber,also a board member of the Women’s Chamber in Private Sector Federation. Since 2003, Rosette was appointed as Director General of Rwanda Office of Tourism and National Parks(ORTPN), where she drove the revitalisation and development of tourism in post conflict Rwanda and conservation of the three national parks in Rwanda. From 2003 to 2010, when she was the Head of Tourism  and Conservation in Rwanda, the number of tourist grew from 13,000 to 790,000  and also became  the number one Foreign Exchange earner. Rwanda has been selected to be a model for executing e-tourism in Africa and won the Best African Exhibitor in ITB-Tourism trade fair for 4 consecutive years. Rosette has been recognized by the East African Community Secretariat as one of the leading tourism and conservation strategist  in the region. She served as Deputy CEO for Tourism and Conservation of the Rwanda Development Board (RDB). Rosette Rugamba gets appointed to the UNTWO-Global Tourism Ethics Committee four a four-year term started 17 September 2017 and serves as a special advisor to the Secretary General of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). Rosette’s other responsibilities include serving on the Boards of Trade Mark East Africa (TMEA) and Sonarwa-Insurance Company.
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