Ronald Alepian (born July 17, 1970) is a communication, investor relations and public relations strategist. He is general manager of NATIONAL Equicom, a strategic communications and investor relations firm, and leads the corporate and financial communications practice at NATIONAL Public Relations, one of the leading independent communications firms in the world. Equicom was acquired by NATIONAL in July 2015 and renamed NATIONAL Equicom at that time. He most recently served as Senior Vice President and Chief Communications Officer of CA Technologies, one of the world's largest software companies, driving a global effort to reposition CA as the leader in the software-driven application economy. Previously, he served as Vice President and Group Head, Marketing and Corporate Communications for TMX Group, which operates Toronto Stock Exchange, TSX Venture Exchange, Boston Options Exchange, Natural Gas Exchange (NGX), Montreal Exchange, among others. At TMX, he spearheaded the very public battle around the company's proposed merger with the London Stock Exchange Group, and the subsequent acquisition of TMX by an unprecedented coalition of banks, pension funds and insurance companies. He drove TMX into new markets and launched the company's first integrated marketing campaign in five years to build the brand and defend the listings and trading business from emerging entrants in a newly competitive exchange marketplace. He is as an Advisor to the Social Venture Connection, a global pioneer in impact investing that combines a positive social or environmental impact with the potential for financial return. He also serves on the Board of Governors of Junior Achievement and led TMX Group's support of True Patriot Love - a private non-profit focused on caring for military families. He joined TMX from Nortel, where he was head of global communications during a time of rapid change, and navigated the company through a global restructuring and asset divestiture. Nortel's dismantling was highly complex and controversial as the 30,000 person company restructured in over a dozen jurisdictions around the world. At Bell Canada from 2004 to 2007, he led the central communications team for Bell and its parent company BCE Inc. and was widely quoted in the media as the company transformed from holdco to operating business. At BCE, he reported to Bill Fox, former head of communications for Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney. Earlier in his career, he advised some of the world's leading brands as a strategic communications consultant and tech practice leader with Burson Marsteller affiliate National Public Relations, one of the world's largest independent communications firms. In the early 1990s, on the eve of the collapse of the Soviet Union, he paused his university studies and founded CYMA - Canadian Youth Mission to Armenia, with the active support and direction of the late Senator Jacques Hébert (founder of Canada World Youth) and the late Senator Shirley Maheu (former Speaker of the House of Commons and the Senate), both of whom sat on CYMA's honorary Board of Directors. Since 1993, over 1,000 students have participated in the exchange program, built eight schools and two community centers and distributed financial aid across the new republic. CYMA operated with the active guidance of Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, then Canadian head of the Armenian Church.