Room Nine Community School

Room Nine Community School (RNCS) is a school in the Shoreline School District, Washington. It covers grades K-8. Instead of being divided strictly by year, students are placed into one of three "clusters". There is a cluster for K-2, 3-5, and 6-8. The 6-8 cluster is also known as "Journey". Each cluster has approximately 50 students, and is team-taught by two teachers.

Room Nine Community School has a parental involvement program (PIP). On Wednesday and Friday parents come in to teach electives. The electives last for five weeks. Every parent is required to teach at least one class.

Room Nine has occasionally received praise for its unconventional teaching techniques. In 1993, Room Nine students made a presentation at the state capitol in Olympia, petitioning the government to pass a law banning corporal punishment in schools.

RNCS is located in the Meridian Park building.

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