Robbos Loyal

Robbos Loyal is a Heart of Midlothian Football Club supporters club running buses to away games from Robertsons Bar, Gorgie Road, Edinburgh. The club was created in November 2007, by 2 patrons of the bar and it has gained in strength ever since. The opening away game was Gretna at Fir Park, Motherwell, in November 2007. They are an infamous bunch in that they are disliked by other supporters buses due to their fondness for remembering the actual history of the club, and chanting songs remembering the Battle of the Boyne victory by the Protestant creed back in 1690. Many Hearts supporters choose to airbrush that part of the clubs history, but not the Robbos Loyal, they proudly glorify the history of the club and as a result face vilification. Jambos Kickback - an unofficial Hearts forum full of Atheists - particularly despises the Robbos Loyal, and generally after each away game they have a right moan about it. Their reluctance to say anything at the time is often called into question by members of the Loyal, but they rarely offer any answers to this question.

An unsavoury incident occurred in season 2009-2010, when a Kickbacker threw a cup of hot coffee over a younger member of the Robbos Loyal. The 10-year old was scalded and required urgent medical treatment. The Kickbackers seemed to revel in the fact they had attacked a Robbos Loyal pup from behind with a hot beverage, but the Loyal did not rise to the bait and instead continued to belt out an array of party songs until their eventual ejection from the ground.

Season 2010-2011 promises to be an important 1 in the history of Robbos Loyal. Having gained many members - as well as adoring fans - over the Summer, the Loyal are flirting with the idea of running a 70-seat double decker to each away game. The Loyal dwarfs any other Hearts supporters club in terms of size and stature and with all the signs that the situation is set to continue and the Loyal will continue to grow, it is very clear to see the futures bright if you are with the Loyal!

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