Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is an upcoming American 2D animated television series. It is a reboot of the 2012 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series, and is set to debut in fall 2018. It was announced by Nickelodeon in a press release on March 2, 2017, and is initially scheduled to run for at least 26 episodes. Pre-production Cyma Zarghami, President of the Nickelodeon Group, stated about the upcoming show: "The Turtles is a property that has reinvention in its DNA, which keeps it fresh and relevant to every new generation while satisfying the demand from its adult fans. ’Turtles’ has been an incredibly important franchise for us since we reignited it five years ago, and we’re excited for the new series to take the characters in a different direction with more humor, a younger and lighter feel and all-new dimensions to explore."<ref name=originalpr /> The plot for the show is said to be about the four turtles "tapping into mystic ninja powers they never knew existed", while "learn to work together and navigate the perils of the modern age and hidden realms in order to fulfill their destiny to become a team of heroes".<ref name=originalpr />