Rick Banks

Rick Banks (born 1985) is a graphic designer and typographer who was born in Manchester. He specializes in branding and founded Face37, his design firm, in 2008. Banks also guest lectures on topics surrounding graphic design and typography.
Published Works
In 2018, Rick Banks worked with author Bill Brewster to create Clubbed: A Visual History of UK Club Culture. The book includes examples of text used in the clubbing scene in the UK in the ’80s and ’90s.
Football Type and Football Type 2 are limited edition books that were published in 2013 and 2020. They were written by authors Sheridan Bird and Denise Banks, respectively.
Rick Banks has won several awards throughout his career, including a Yellow Pencil from D&AD in Digital and Mobile in 2017. Rick Banks has also served as a judge for awards, including the Crafts for Design category at the 2017 D&AD awards.<ref name="DesignAward"/>
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