Richard Holcomb

Richard David Holcomb (born on September 21, 1976) is an HIV educator, street outreach worker and advocate for male sex workers. He is the founder of Project Weber, a harm reduction program in Providence, R.I.. This unique program provides resources and support to male sex workers living on the streets. Since 1998, Holcomb has created several documentary projects on the subject of male prostitution and addiction. He has done film work on this subject on location in the United States, Canada and Europe.
After identifying that there was no data available on commercial male sex workers in the state of Rhode Island, Holcomb helped develop a survey tool to conduct a needs assessment on this population. This required him to recruit and survey 50 male sex workers living in the streets of Providence, R.I.. For the first time in Rhode Island history, there is now valuable data on commercial male sex workers. As a person in recovery from addiction,and a former sex worker himself, Richard Holcomb remains a voice for those who are not yet able to speak.
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