
RegistryASP, located at Technology Park Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia began operations in 2000, providing Domain name registry services such as backend solution provider and policy consultancy.
RegistryASP is a sub division of Qinetics, which mainly specializes in internet services and enterprise solutions. Qinetics is a MSC status company in Malaysia as well.
RegistryASP delivers solutions and registry consultancy services to help TLDs in many areas such as policy development, security and control, performance management and share the best practices gathered throughout the years dealing with various registries. RegistryASP also provides gTLD sponsorship, assisting inviduals or community champions to meet the new gTLD selection criteria in terms of technical, operational and financial.
In short RegistryASP offers:-
# Backend Registry/ Registrar solution
# Outsourced Registry/Registrar services
# Software maintenance and support
# Policy framework consultancy
# Technical consultancy
# Security and control consultancy
# Performance management consultancy
Involvement in the industry
RegistryASP got their first break by providing a turnkey domain name registry solution to HKDNR late 2004.
Early 2008, RegistryASP hit the jackpot again with SGNIC by providing them a turnkey solution over their existing legacy registry solution.
Later in 2008, RegistryASP was also appointed by Oman TRA, to consult them on their domain name framework policy. However, this is a high profile ccTLD registry due to the nature to the ccTLD extension, .OM.
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