Red Wayne

Red Wayne is a notable steel guitarist and his talent was greatly admired by anyone who had the opportunity to work with him. While the genre he mostly played was country and western, he had a real passion for playing swing as well.
Childhood & early musical career
Born Kenneth Wayne Henderson on September 16 1932 in Union, Missouri. Red began figuring out on his own how to play the country music he heard on the radio. By age 14, Red's playing had progressed considerably and he began performing with local bands.
1962: Top Ten Steel Guitarists in America
In 1962, Red was rated number 6 in the best steel guitar players in the United States. He was also Mr. D.J. USA that very same year.
Most of his music career he played a Sho-Bud given to him by Shot Jackson. According to Red, Shot told him "If you don't like it you can use it for a boat anchor."
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