Red Fez

Red Fez is an international web-magazine, publisher and social community for writers, artists and readers. Red Fez publishes poetry, fiction, film, music, comics, photography, nonfiction, reviews, and interviews. Founded in 2003 and headquartered in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Red Fez is run by a community of volunteers from the U.S., Mexico, the United Kingdom and Mexico. The publisher also publishes print books and zines on occasion, and has hosted live poetry readings in Toledo and San Francisco.
Since 2003 Red Fez has published over 1300 authors including notable authors such as Ben Loory, Lyn Lifshin, comicbook artist Jeff Lemire, Misti Rainwater-Lites, William Taylor, Jr, Frank Reardon, Noah Cicero and Glenn A Bruce, screenplay writer for .
In 2016 Red Fez also began publishing podcasts for writers, including 'Paragraph Craft', 'The Aspiring Writer' and 'Reading with Red Fez'. Current editors include novelist and film critic Chris Lambert, poet Michael Grover and site founder, novelist and poet Leopold McGinnis.
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