Readable English

Readable English is a phonetic version of English that doesn't change the spelling of words. A pronunciation guide is embedded into each word by graying out silent characters, adding syllable breaks, and adding visual cues, called glyphs, to letters when they don't make their standard sound. There are 21 glyphs that apply to both vowels and consonants.
One of Readable English's main benefits is that it reduces the time it takes to learn to read and pronounce English.
Tests of Readable English have been carried out in the New South Wales public school system. Results showed that students who learned Readable English improved by significantly more than students in a control group in both reading accuracy and comprehension.
Readable English was co-founded by Ann Fitts and Christopher Stephen. Ann Fitts is a reading specialist who co-founded and directed The Reading Clinic, a specialist tutoring center for struggling readers (San Francisco Bay Area). Christopher Stephen is the founder of Read How You Want, an accessible publishing company that specializes in large print books and other customized formats.
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