
Juliar (stylized as *Juliar *) is a cross-platform functional programming language that is inspired by HTML 3.2 and Python. It's a functional programming that takes advantage of GPUs and multi-processors.
Juliar works on many Operating Systems due to its write once, compile anywhere philosophy.
Juliar was incepted on 4/12/2015. It first started as a project to teach people that didn't understand programming, the easy way of programming. It's original slogan, "Language for Artistic Mind" made it especially attractive for Graphic Designers and Artists that wanted to design fancy graphics. On 4/07/2016, the slogan has been renamed to "Welcome to the Future", as the language has been rewritten in assembly and took advantage of GPUs and multi-processors. The language eliminated the need for manual garbage collection, variables, or any type of typecasting as everything in the language is treated as string. The language grew into a full programming language with the addition of arguments, symbols, and modules. It introduced new way of managing packages, by having each package be directly downloaded from the Juliar repo on program call. It also introduced a way to have modules loaded in global scope by introducing *import * and *deport * function, which made this language unique. The language compiler got a speed boost due to the Pascal's Triangle Theory Computer Optimization Algorithm written by Andrey Mikhailovich Makhanov. Currently, the language has been shown to compile and run a program with 0n^2 complexity faster than native C and when compiled and ran from source.
The syntax of *Juliar* is largely influenced by HTML and Python. There are two versions of Juliar currently available. The Web version which uses web assembly as base and the Desktop version which compiles to Assembly.
In HTML version, *Juliar* is written inside tags.
In order to start coding in *Juliar*. All you need to do is open index.html. If you want to integrate it into your own current project, add the following:
<source lang="xml">
<script src="/path/to/juliar.js"></script>
Or you can use the Interpreter of Juliar, using the commands between the ** Juliar tags.
<source lang="rst">
//Add 5 to 8
*add 5 8*
returns 13
*+ 5 10*
returns 15
Creates a link that can be clicked to send an email to a person:
<source lang="rst">
//Add the command *mail* and the receiver of the mail
return John Smith 1235554//When clicked it will send email to johnsmith1235554@example.com
Takes in URL of the music file (.mp3 or .ogg) and plays it:
<source lang="rst">
//Tag *music* with the music file in .mp3 or .ogg
*music stairwaytoheaven.mp3 *
Returns: Plays Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin
Juliar is available on many Operating Systems. There are currently 3 variations of Juliar: Juliar Interpreter, JuliarOS and the Juliar Compiler. *Juliar* is an open source programming language that supports HTML and others Markup languages. Web version of Juliar can be easily integrated into other sites simply by using tags.
Project Goal
The goal of the project is to make a language that is fast, easy to use, and powerful. It will be used by designers and business people that want to create a professional product fast, as well as students and security professionals.
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