Rare and Undiagnosed Diseases Community

The rare and undiagnosed diseases community includes patients, families, advocates, investigators, researchers, clinicians, and geneticists. This community helps these groups to accelerate the discovery and innovation of diagnosis, treatments, and cures.
There are millions of people living with rare and undiagnosed diseases. Attempting to discover a cause for symptoms and an actual diagnosis for many conditions can be a tedious and engulfing experience for all involved. With so many rare conditions, a diagnosis can often take a number of years - an average of 5.6 years in the United Kingdom and 7.6 years in the United States.
There are many organizations that operate both online and off including the Rare and Undiagnosed Network (RUN), Rare Disease Foundation, and the Undiagnosed Disease Network (UDN)
Only 5 percent of rare diseases have treatments, These communities provide support, information and resources.
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