Sister Khema, Samaneri (whose Pali name means 'patience-peace') is an American-born novice Theravada Buddhist nun. Biography Her ordination on September 7, 2006 was a surprise for American Buddhism, not just because the ceremony was officiated by an American Maha Thera Buddhist Monk, but also because this was the first such ordination in America, where an American woman took the Samaneri vows with an American monk presiding on American soil. Previously, if a woman wanted to do this she would have to go to a foreign monastery on American soil or go abroad. But now there is an American monastery where women and men can be trained in an ordination program for a new lineage: Buddhist American Forest Tradition. This tradition follows the Suttas closely, providing a Buddhist centre that speaks English and offers a study campus to continue their work with sutta study and developing compassionate service projects. The verification of sutta information through personal investigation using the practice described in the suttas continues today with the guidance of her teacher, Venerable Bhante Vimalaramsi Maha Thera, who in 2006 was appointed as the American representative for the World Buddhist Summit Conference, held in 2007. This was the first time the US had representation at the World Buddhist Summit Conference, which Sister Khema attended to assist her teacher and to follow first-hand the progress of the development of women in Buddhism at Dhammasukha Meditation Center , Missouri.