
Rankopedia is a free website that attempts to rank any and all things that can be ranked. You can find rankings as simple as [http://www.rankopedia.com/ZoneID=3/12348/Greatest-athlete-ever-(male)/Step1/730.htm Greatest Athlete Ever] and Best Tom Hanks Movie, to more unique rankings such as Most Overused Cliche in Horror Movies. Categories in which rankings are made include Sports, , People and . Among the more popular subcategories are soccer, football, music, movies, political leaders, celebrities, food and travel. It has both English and French language versions.

Rankopedia members create rankings, lists of up to 80 candidates in any topic they choose. The ranking lists also provide columns with supporting information to help voters choose between the candidates. Members can then vote for up to 10 candidates in each ranking, giving each candidate a rank from 1 to 10. The votes are automatically tallied to determine the relative positions of each candidate in the ranking. The rankings themselves can also be rated by members on a scale of 1 to 5.

In keeping with the ranking nature of the site, the members' activities are also 'ranked'. There are lists of the rankings with the most votes, members with the most rankings created, votes or posts, discussions with the most posts, etc. Also, in each category, there are lists of the rankings with the highest average ratings from fellow members.

Rankopedia was created in June 2006 by Antoine Bello, and was launched in January 2007. Today the site has membership of over 12,000 members and 7700+ rankings. The site is managed by volunteers and is advertising-free.

The site also encourages members to post discussions about the rankings in comments linked to the Rankings, and in a Forum section for more in depth discussions. The forum discussions may cover any topic related to a category in which there are rankings.

Voting is tracked by country, so you can track the results and see if the British have a different opinion of the Best Rock Band Ever than Americans or the French (for example).
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