Ram Sukumar

Ram Sukumar started Indium Software as a small Quality Assurance (QA) firm in Chennai.
Early life
A graduate from Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Ram wanted to set up a space where he was culturally comfortable with his surroundings and also with the lifestyle he would be leading. One fine day, a mentor and advisor from IBM told Ram that software testing was a good bet for the future.
Indium Software
Initial setbacks to Indium in the early 2000s hailed along with the dot com bubble burst and 9/11 attacks shortly after. A lot of internet companies that the company was working with for software testing suddenly evaporated off the face of the internet that put the company into an existential crisis. Along with the help of a few angel customers the company caught back its stride until the Great Recession of 2007-2008. The tumultuous period taught Ram to protect his strongest performers. He states how it was important to insulate the workforce and keep strong communication as key to navigate the crisis effectively. Furthermore, he also mentions that tackling hurdles alongside customers can make it so that they are partners for life.
COVID-19’s universal effects were felt causing turbulent ripples down Indium's workforce- as more than 1,500 associates had to start working remotely from their homes. But the merger between a big data & analytics firm, Noah Data (also founded by Ram) helped ensure the business could stay afloat through the pandemic's adverse effects. As Indiumsoftware now offers Digital Engineering solutions with deep expertise in Application Engineering, Cloud Engineering, Data and Analytics, DevOps, Digital Assurance and Gaming. Ram states that $30 million revenue is the target for 2021. teX.ai, a text-analytical software and uphoriX, the all-in-one automated quality assurance platform that has integrated functional testing, performance testing, security testing, and compatibility testing into one. Indium's plan for the future are to invest heavily in research and development and develop more IPs in digital and QA by expanding business to the UK, Europe and APAC in the coming years.
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