
Raise5 is an organization that allows individuals and groups to fundraise for charities and non-profits through micro-volunteering. Users exchange goods and services to raise money for their selected charity, with Raise5 taking an 8% fee on the transaction. According to the "Our Beliefs" section of their website, "...money is not the sole measure of success, but rather a fuel that sustains a business and drives real change."
Other related sites include Justgiving, Crowdrise, and Charitykick. Raise5 focuses on keeping communities engaged in activism by allowing them to meet other needs (playing, developing a skill, building a portfolio, buying a valued service) whilst also supporting a cause. One reviewer writes that "the vast majority are actually useful opportunities" but also that "several of the services are a bit out there." In May 2012, Raise5 won Sir Richard Branson's 500 contestant "Screw Business as Usual" competition. In September 2012, Raise5 began work with "Impact Engine", a startup accelerator led by Chuck Templeton (founder of OpenTable).
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