Rahima Akter

Rahima Akter is a Rohingya refugee and student living in Bangladesh. She was expelled from Cox's Bazar International University where she was studying law because refugees were not allowed to attend educational institutions in Bangladesh.
In 1992, Akter’s parents escaped persecution in Myanmar with thousands of other Rohingya refugees. She was born in Kutupalong Refugee Camp and raised in Bangladesh. When she was 12 years old, her father wanted to pull her out of school and wanted to arrange her marriage. She begged him to let her study and he reluctantly agreed. Over 700,000 Rohingya have fled Myanmar since 2017 after the military Government cracked down on the community and stripped them of their citizenship.
In April 2020, UNICEF and the Bangladesh government started a program for 10,000 Rohingya boys and girls from the sixth to the ninth grades, where they will be taught the same curriculum as schools in Myanmar. Akter, who was expelled from a Bangladesh University because of being Rohingya, was pleased at the news.
In her spare time she works as a volunteer for the Red Cross in Cox's Bazar.
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