Queen puabi dna

Queen Puabi was a woman who ruled Ur , Ur is the place where Abraham originated, the body of Queen Puabi was found by Sir Leonard Woolley in 1928,during excavations done in mesopotania; it is really amazing to find a body of a Annunaki descendents, coming straight from the DNA of Anu,Enki and other entities from so far away places; and knowing that they lived for thousands of years in the same body!, so this Queen has the keys throughout her DNA, to humans been able to live for thousands of years!, now ,this information is already available to universities , smithonians , governments, DNA searchers,etc.,. This rulers that lived in summer, left belief systems and religions for people , they went far away with high technology, so we are still waiting for that piece of information,their DNA decoded!, so the public , which means you and all human beings,will receive it to plan with timing,our spirituality; the more we learn , the more we know ; but it takes time to learn. what will you do with a thousand years of learnning?
references:Leonard Woolley - , the free encyclopedia,penn.museum - Queen Puabi, Anunnaki - , the free encyclopedia,Smithsonian: Homepage
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