Electronic Immortality

Electronic Immortality is human immortality in new artificial body. The term was used by scientist Alexander Bolonkin since 1991 (http://Bolonkin.narod.ru) in his scientific articles. According the Bolonkin theory the human soul is only personal information retained into a human brain. If we learn to save this information and re-write it into chips, we save the electronic soul . The person became immortality. The chip can inserted into any artificial body and the soul will be exist in new electronic being (Bolonkin named it as E-being, E-man). These sentient beings have huge advantages in comparison of biological men. They will not need food, air, dwelling (only electric nuclear battery!), they can travel into space without spaceship. E-man can rewrite any knowledge to his electronic brain in some seconds and make any work, scientific research in any field of science. They can have any artificial body (handsome man, beauty woman, tiger, bird, etc.) and travel to other planet and galactic with light speed (the chip is re-written into chip at other place by laser beam). They cannot be annihilated by any weapon because their soul copy may be saved in other place. They will create an electronic civilization. The method for re-writing main part of personal soul into chip for young people was also suggested by A. Bolonkin .
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