
According to Paulo Victor de Oliveira Miguel and Gilmar Barreto, Ecolig (the Brazilian word Ecolig means "environment" and "connection") is a communication protocol that lies at the study of both communication and signification in the human and environment through electronic world. Supported by concepts as Umwelt from Uexküll theorised that organisms can have different "Umwelteen", even though they share the same environment. The human perception, as part of the cognition process, can use the third wave of Human-Computer Interface, those devices can use high-spatial density array EEG, MEG and fMRI, for example, or even other signal processing techniques (Cincotti, 2008). These interfaces can expand the human perception through Hybrid Neural Networks (Biological and Artificial) that are able to convert discrete areas in continued ones, using MLP (Multi Layer Perceptron) neural networks, for instance. When projecting points in outer space, not identified by the sensors yet, it is close to the artificial imagination path. In the process of analysis it is looking for a continuum space (Foreign Area) from the study of focus of analysis, forming the inner space. In the process of synthesis the artificial imagination is essential, since it seeks to project an infinite space (Foreign Area) from the generation of discrete sets. The model proposed by Charles Sanders Peirce, refers to the human mind as the only thing that is expanding, everything is already in the world. The central thesis of Peirce's theory is that every thought is given in signs (Noth, 1998). The Rational (philosophical reason), as the maturity part of the consciousness, is a third moment of a phenomenon apprehension and understanding, according to the categories proposed by Peirce. The thirdness, the more intelligible, is the intellectual synthesis or even a thought using signs, it is the mediation between the Being and the world, and this is situated on the thought area (Miguel, 2008).
A SSP (Sensorial Semiotic Protocol) can codify this sequence of signs and thus memorize how to construct it. These codes can be arranged in patterns and applied to the feed-forward supervised neural networks that, when integrated to the biological neural networks, it can recognize the structured relationship in the process of cognition.
When someone interprets the signs in a cycle of expansion of knowledge it means assimilating knowledge. As a result, there is an expansion of consciousness of Being in the World, an interpretation of the term "Daisen" in "Being and Time", a masterpiece of existentialist philosophy of Heidegger (1978). The human mind is capable of absorbing elements of the world and integrate it into awareness of Being, as it does to drive a car, use a sword, write with a pen or play an instrument, once it becomes an ability it turns a kind of Being part as well. Then we should be using the characteristics of ionic charge, responsible for communication between some biological systems, to develop electrical interfaces that respond to stimuli and can be perceived directly from biological signals, such as neural interfaces through BCI (Brain-Computer Interface), for example (Wolpav, 2000).
These processes can be interpreted by the human mind in a cognitive development planned by Semiotics. The dual communication channel uses hybrid structures composed by biological and artificial networks, which are intended to be integrated by the perception of the human mind. Those channels and protocols can be used as new kind of sensors and transducers to speed up the human mind expansion proposed by Heidegger (1978).
The emotion has been studied in diverse areas such as psychology, neurology, medicine, and sociology. So many scientists are studding how emotion processes are part of cognition. There is a generative as well as expressive relationship between movement and emotion (Sheets-Johnstone, 1999). As well as, there is a relationship between some movements and emotion processes and vice-versa. Otherwise, emotions cannot be handled as hard-wired processes in our brains, but changeable and interesting regulating processes for our social development (Hook 2008). Emotion is a social and dynamic communication mechanism. We learn how and when certain emotions are appropriate, and we learn the appropriate expressions of emotions for different cultures, contexts, and situations. The way we make sense of emotions is a combination of some body experience and how emotions arise, as well as they are expressed in some specific situations of interaction with others, most of the time supported by cultural practices that we have learned. Those emotional signals can be acquired from different origins in the human body. Some BCI devices can segregate them in three categories: the affective, expressive and cognitive ones. The expressive category can monitor ionic charges to move some specific muscle, and it can be used to interact with learning systems
An important part of a reference model for a learning object design is the HCI (Human Computer Interface), it can be the way used to transfer some knowledge. Since the knowledge exchange may be considered an evolution of information exchange model, this idea depends on the possibility to create a standard to codify the knowledge building. The design of new users interface can be necessary to attend the requirements. The communication between human and machine cannot be limited to the conscious communication, since the non-conscious communication play a much more significant role. Those interfaces improve the being interaction with the world supporting a semiotic protocol. This kind of protocol can speed up the information transfer between humans and electronic devices, and vice versa. As a result of a learning structure based on Hybrid Neural Networks, it can collect and share standard information in order to reproduce and transmit the path of knowledge. So, learn how to share the internal space can be a major challenge for a development of semiotic processes looking for an efficient information exchange between humans and electronic devices in each layer of this reference model structure.
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