Puzzle Guardian

The Puzzle Guardian is a character played by Frank Baker in the movie written and directed by Clive Barker, Hellraiser.
This character is usually portrayed as a tramp or derelict. His task is to guard the box called the Lament Configuration, an artifact designed and created by Philip Lemarchand, and which when solved, opens a gateway for the Cenobites to cross over to our world.

In the ending of "Hellraiser", the Puzzle Guardian removes the box from an open fire, and turns into a skeletal dragon, flying away with the artifact.

In the ending of Hellbound: Hellraiser II his face appears on the pillar, asking the same question (What be your pleasure, sir?) that he asked in the first film.

In the movie Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth, the Puzzle Guardian (this time played by Lawrence Mortorff) sells the Pillar of Souls inside the Pyramid Gallery, to "The Boiler Room" club owner J.P. Monroe.

In Hellraiser: Inferno, a tattooist named Leon Gaultier is playing the role of the Guardian, he has living tattoos over his body that take the form of cenobites.

In Hellraiser: Hellseeker, The Guardian runs a counter in a warehouse containing various women at sewing machine stations, they appear to be sewing human flesh into garments. In this movie the Guardian is played by Doug Bradley but credited as Charles Stead.
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