Hsiao Mi

Hsiao Mi is a fictional character from the film The Big Boss, portrayed by Han Ying Chieh.

He is a wealthy middle aged tycoon from China who owns the Man Lee Ice Factory in Pak Chong Thailand, as well as various gambling dens and brothels in the area. He is a skilled martial artist and an expert in up-close knife combat.

In The Big Boss, Hsiao Mi is a wealthy, socially prominent man who secretly runs a powerful criminal empire, which includes illegal gambling and prostitution. He is one of Pak Chong's most dangerous crime bosses, using the ice factory as a front for manufacturing illegal narcotics as well as freezing the remains of those who may pose a threat to his "business". He has an army of henchmen, led by his son Hsiao Chiun, and a large number of female servants. It is implied that those of his servants who do not remain loyal are forced into prostitution, such as Wu Mang, who ends up being an aide to protagonist Cheng Chao-an. While Mi is a skilled martial artist, he often resorts to trickery such as hidden knives to throw off his opponent. He even has a hidden blowdart in a water pipe, which he at one point uses on a servant who simply spilled a cup of tea.

Mi is very sly and carefully chooses his words. When Cheng finally becomes more assertive and decides to meet Mi for the first time, he is nearly brushed off by Mi's virtually endless compliments of Cheng's work at the factory. However, there are times where his ego may get the best of him and he'll say things like "top meddling, otherwise you're going to be sorry." However, his strong bond with the police force of Pak Chong makes him virtually immune to any opposition.

Because of the events of The Big Boss, Mi was never arrested for his crimes, but killed by one of his employees, Cheng Chao-an, as vengeance for what Mi had done to his family.

As mentioned earlier, Mi has one son, Hsiao Chiun, who is just as corrupt as his father. However, he is not as "slick" as him in terms of personality or martial arts skills. It is also discovered in the rare sequel, The Big Boss, Part II, the Mi possibly had an illegitimate daughter. Mi's wife is never mentioned, but because of his personality, it is obvious that either they divorced or possibly even had her killed.
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