
Primevergen (pronounced prime-ever-gen) is a word (noun) originated from the terms "primary," "ever-present," "generating," and "virgin energy". It is described as the unique, singular, "stand-alone" force (energy source, or vitality) that is the origin of all energy (and matter).
Primevergen is a developing scientific Effective theory in physics. The originator, Mattis Kantor, approaches the current search and research for a unifying theory (known as a Grand Unified Theory, a Unified Field Theory, or the Theory of Everything) by starting towards the separate forces, from a unified or singular point, rather than starting from the separate forces, seeking a point of their unification.
The theory of Primevergen states that at some point or points, there is a divergence from the singularity (and oneness) of Primevergen, evolving into the various forms of energy known (and unknown - as in dark matter). Thus the "search" would be for the "diverginating force", or "the point of divergence".
Primevergen is an existing vitality, a "super vitality" that actualizes only at the advent of a "dynamic". This would be consistent with the formula:<span style ="font-variant:small-caps;">Vitality + Dynamic = Energy</span>
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