
"Poutrage", a portmanteau of "pouting" and "outrage, is a neologism introduced as early as 2008 to describe phony outrage, usually offered up for personal, political, or financial, gain.
Liberals and poutrage
:Until recently, "poutrage" was almost exclusively a term used by liberals and progressives to describe issues blown out of proportion by conservatives for political gain or to dominate the news cycle.
:As the term Feminazi is to American conservatives, Poutrage appears to belong to American liberals. A word combining "pout" and "outrage" should result in a word used pejoratively by anyone, but that does not appear to be the case here. The use of the word "poutrage" ties closely into the American liberal narrative depicting conservatives as the Party of No, and to the perception by liberals and progressives that the GOP is engaged in purely obstructionist politics.
Conservatives and poutrage
:More rarely, conservatives have started to use the term in reference to liberals. It is interesting to note that, to judge by the existing usages of the word, conservatives do not even seem to have noticed its use by liberals, which is possibly a result of American polarization in politics and confirmation bias.
Other uses of poutrage
:The word now occasionally occurs in computer gaming and sports contexts to indicate a whiner exhibiting false outrage or a type of toothless anger directed at no one, or everyone. It is possible that the neologism has arisen in these contexts independently of the political usage.
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