Politically Exposed Foreign Person (PEFP) is a term used by Bill C-25, a regulation instilled to update the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act. The term is similar to a politically exposed person (PEP) as defined by other countries in the world.
As stated in the bill itself -
"politically exposed foreign person - means a person who holds or has held one of the following offices or positions in or on behalf of a foreign state: (a) head of state or head of government; (b) member of the executive council of government or member of a legislature; (c) deputy minister or equivalent rank; (d) ambassador or attaché or counsellor of an ambassador; (e) military officer with a rank of general or above; (f) president of a state-owned company or a state-owned bank; (g) head of a government agency; (h) judge; (i) leader or president of a political party represented in a legislature; or (j) holder of any prescribed office or position. It includes any prescribed family member of such a person"
Essentially the term is designed to instruct the banking industry and affiliates to identify all persons who meet this definition, and monitor their activities.