
Poleball is a game was invented by Pranav Kalvapallé, a chemical engineer who graduated from University of Alberta. This sport requires stamina, accuracy and strategy to win. It first started to be played in Edmonton, AB, Canada.
Poleball is a team sport which two teams can play by aiming the ball at the pole. Each team can have 3, 5, 7 players play as throwers and 1 or 2 defenders defending the pole. The defenders protect the pole from ball thrown by the opposition team. These interactions between opposition teams are limited in time, thus forcing the players to think and act quickly and accurately to score.
The pole is 12 ft tall and divided into 3 portions, each portion is 4ft in length. The bottom portion worths 30 points, the middle worths 10 points and the top worths 5 points.
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